Where can I do my master’s in biotechnology? East World

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Asia? Really?

When thinking about studying in Asia, there is a sense of the exotic, since the direction of Europe and America is more popular. However, every year the Asian region attracts more and more attention for a number of indicators, including its universities and the quality of the educational process.


In line with the orientation of universities towards global educational standards, we all know the admission format: undergraduate transcript, CV, motivation and recommendation letters. You may also be asked to confirm your level of English: TOEFL, IELTS, CAE. However, if you have previously studied in an English-speaking country or a program taught in English, you may not need it. If you are enrolling in directions that are read in the language of the country, then you will need to provide a certificate of knowledge of the relevant language. As well as in the USA, for admission to some programs, it will be necessary to pay an applicant’s fee.


There are training programs built according to the international format in English. There are such programs in Hong Kong and Singapore, as well as in Japan and Korea. However, in the last two countries, those who know the language of the country still have a greater choice.


Education is paid, but there are various scholarships that allow you to live comfortably and study. We will write about these scholarships in the following articles, stay tuned!


As well as in the above areas, the students choose courses that are interesting to them and correspond to the direction of study. However, more emphasis is placed on research and work in laboratories, and therefore the number of courses taken may be small. It follows that the credits are rare, and the overall mark consists of several components: homework, the results of the mid-semester exam and the final exam. Most of the exams are written. The last step is to defend the scientific work presented in the thesis. In general, the complexity of studying depends on the place and supervisor, but we were told that it is more difficult to get good grades in Asia than in the countries of America and Europe.

So, what about particular countries and universities?

Saudi Arabia

Unexpected? Saudi Arabia is not a very-well known, but interesting country for studying. Who would think that in Saudi Arabia there are high-tech scientific centers and training programs that are made according to the best international educational standards? And here they are. In this part, we talk about King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, or KAUST for short.


As we said above: “‎international educational standards”, which means we have already sorted out the package of documents necessary for admission: a transcript of a bachelor’s degree, CV, motivation and 3 letters of recommendation. You will also need TOEFL or IELTS, while GRE results are not required for submission, but are welcome if you have them. You can submit documents for free. Please note that the university has a fast-track (we wrote a little about it here) if you want to apply for a PhD right away.




Students apply for scholarships upon admission, without which life in Saudi Arabia may seem difficult. However, KAUST offers excellent conditions for both living and working.


Education at KAUST consists of lecture and experimental parts. The lectures are compulsory or elective, examinations for which take place in the middle and at the end of the course. The assessment may consist of different parts, and it will depend on the lecturer.


Israel is among the top countries in the world in terms of public spending on science and education. Here are well-equipped, modern universities, research centers and laboratories. Israel has a record number of scientists for every 10,000 inhabitants, more than in the United States and Japan. Israel attracts both students with the quality of its education, as well as experienced scientists, researchers and startuppers. And the mild climate and warm sea are a great addition to excellent working conditions.


For admission, we need already known: CV, motivational and recommendation letters, as well as a transcript of grades. However, you need to carefully check the list of documents for your specialty, as there are nuances. So, for example, you may be asked for a passport photo, or for certain areas you should provide TOEFL, GRE and GMAT. If you graduated from another university, you may be asked for a list of basic undergraduate subjects with a brief description of them, as well as your scientific and professional experience. Submission of documents is paid.


English or Hebrew


For the duration of your studies, you can receive a scholarship, the amount of which is determined by your academic performance. At the same time, universities can get a place in a dorm, the cost of which will be significantly lower than renting a full-fledged apartment. For example, in Technion, a dormitory is an apartment where two people share a room. At the same time, you should pay an annual fee to the student union and get access to various sports activities, such as a swimming pool or a gym.


The study consists of lectures, seminars, work in the laboratory and the defense of the final thesis. At the beginning of the semester, each student registers for courses that he will listen to and take in. The format of the exam varies: it can be term paper, presentation credit, or written work. As elsewhere, there is an obligatory lecture part, and there is an elective part, which the student can choose at his discretion. Attendance must be at least 80% to be admitted to the exam. To fulfill the thesis of the supervisor, you must find it in advance, even before admission.

United Arab Emirates

As a bonus, we decided to tell you more about studying in the United Arab Emirates! In the United Arab Emirates, science and technology are actively financed, and therefore the country has high-tech research centers and institutes where you can get an education according to international standards. We have selected for you three institutions that are considered leading in the country: NYU Abu-Dhabi, Khalifa University and MBZUAI.


For admission to the program, as elsewhere, they ask for a CV, a motivation and recommendation letters. However, in addition to them, the applicant will have to pass an interview and entrance exams, for example, in mathematics, statistics and programming.


There are training programs that are conducted in English. MBZUAI programs are in English only.


Education is paid, but you can get a scholarship that will cover the cost of both study and living. By definition, a student is enrolled in a master’s program at MBZUAI with a scholarship, which is enough both for life and for saving. Fees, on the other hand, need to be paid in case of exclusion or premature departure from the program for personal reasons.


Education requires effort due to the tight schedule of both compulsory and elective lectures and the need to engage in scientific activities. Each semester there is an exam in the subject, and in the summer between courses there is a mandatory 6-week internship.

This is where we will finish our acquaintance with the peculiarities of studying in a master’s program in different countries, but there are still a lot of interesting things ahead of you! And not just about education! Stay with Connectome, you’ll find lots of useful things here from career advice to job openings!

Author: Alena A. Kozlova

Edited by: Timofei Ryko



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